Mediation, Evaluation and Screenings
When a situation arises where parents are at odds about the suitability of the custody and visitation order that is in place, the court offers mediation, emergency screening and evaluation services to assist in resolving the issues. As in other family law proceedings you may represent yourself; however there is a great deal of paperwork and preparation involved in obtaining these services. Your family attorney can work with you to see that the various required documents are filled out properly and can serve as your advocate in the proceedings.
Possible Outcomes
As a result of the mediation, evaluation, and screening process, the court may order supervised visitation, therapeutic supervised visitation, Parenting Without Violence classes, or mental health services for one or both parents and/or the children who are being affected. You could also be referred to Family Law Treatment Court. This program can require parent with alcohol or drug problems get into treatment in order to be better able to parent their children, and creates a chance that they will be able to spend more time with their children if they succeed in achieving sobriety. This program will require that participants submit to random drug or alcohol screenings. You may also receive referrals to other family support agencies. The goal of the program is to promote positive parenting and an ongoing relationship between children and both parents without physical or psychological damage to the children.
You Need a Skilled Advocate on Your Side
To realize the best possible outcome for your family, it is important that all applications and other paperwork are completed and filed in a timely manner, and that no hearings, appointments, or appearances are missed. Having the Aeschleman Law, PC to advocate for you and present your side of the story can make a tremendous difference in the outcomes of these court services. In some situations, you stand to lose custody or unsupervised visitation, depending on the issues that are raised, making participation with an experienced family law attorney at your side all the more important.
If you are facing a Family Court Services mediation, evaluation, or screening, contact Aeschleman Law, PC for a consultation to learn how to prepare for these programs and to have a committed and experienced advocate help you present your case. To schedule an appointment, call (408) 724-8930, or send Nicole Aeschleman a personal email at
Aeschleman Law is located in San Jose and serves Santa Clara, Alameda, and San Mateo Counties. Call us today for an initial consultation at (408) 724-8930. You may also contact us by filling out the form on the bottom of this site.